Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mark Emmert Proving His Corrupt Views through His Own Words

During a session with the Detroit Economic Club members, NCAA President Mark Emmert compared what Penn State had done to scandals outside sports.  The following comment was made by Dictator Emmert himself....
Mark Emmert - A disgrace to the U.S. Constitution and Legal System
"I'm speaking to a group of business men and women, so I offer this analogy," he said. "It is always a problem in an organization when one group becomes so revered and so powerful that you not only can't control them, you aren't even allowed to question them. It is much the same thing that happened in many of the financial-sector problems, and it is what happened at Penn State.
Considering the fact that Mr. Emmert chose to use the same words that have been used to describe himself and the communistic rule of the NCAA; one can only take this comment as a slap in the face to those who seek TRUE justice for Penn State.  What is true justice?  True justice is what Jerry Sandusky received.  A court, a trial, a real know those pesky things that are burned into the United States constitution and legal system.  How dare a man who rules in the same systematic form of a communist general accuse any "organization of becoming so powerful that you not only can't control them, you aren't allowed to question them."  Apparently Mr. Dictator-Style-Ruler Emmert is in need of a mirror.  Or maybe his ego got so big that it shattered the mirror.  Either way, anyone who believes in justice should view Mr. Emmert's comments as direct slap in the face. 
Mr. Emmert is well aware of the criticism that he and the NCAA received in response to their "overlook the flawed evidence" actions and yet, he is actually going to accuse Penn State for being (in Mr. Emmert's selection of words) "so powerful".  Are you serious? You and your organization ruled without having to follow any laws or due process, imposed a made up punishment, and refuse to respond to anyone who questions your actions to rule based on flawed evidence.  You Mr. Emmert are a disgrace to America. The sad part is people who don't read the actual facts (such as the flaws in the Freeh report) are subjected to the garbage that the NCAA puts in the media without knowing any better. 
So the question that we have for you Mr. Dictator (Emmert) how do you define powerful and what is your basis for using that word to describe Penn State? What makes you place Penn State in the category of "powerful".  How do you rate what is "powerful"?  "Powerful" is a word that derives from someone's underlying personal opinion.  You term something as "powerful" because you praise it and have respect for it or because you dislike it and are threatened by it.  The communistic bullying that you and the NCAA have applied in the Penn State scandal suggests that your use of the word "powerful" coincides with some underlying personal animosity that you have for Penn State's success.  
Maybe that's why you won't answer questions about how the NCAA could enforce sanctions that are based off of a flawed report....?


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